Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl

Ever get into a rut with cooking? I mean a “make the same meal with slight variations for weeks on end” kind of a rut? I do. Sometimes it’s just too much to try and come up with something new. But my lovely husband picked up some beautiful wild caught ahi tuna from Sprouts the other day, and he suggested we have poke bowls. So I went for it, threw a bunch of stuff together, and surprisingly it was GOOD. I mean “this may or may not be my new rut” kind of good. Not to mention it’s suuuuper easy to make.

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Lexie GrayComment
What is Well from Within?

My vision for Well from Within is to build a community of strong, confident women who are educated on how to take care of their bodies and minds so they can wholeheartedly pursue their passions and empower other women to do the same. I believe that women are powerful, and that our passions will do so much good in the world. But we must be physically and mentally healthy in order to make those passions more than just a far off dream.

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Lexie GrayComment
Bodyweight Strength Workout

Strength training is so important, especially for women. There are SO many benefits including increased bone density, improved posture, enhanced mood, injury & pain reduction (when done correctly), and more. But you don’t need to be lifting a barbell over your head in order to do strength training. Sure, lifting weights can be a great way to do it, but it’s not right for everyone. Bodyweight exercises are easy to learn and free to do. You don’t need a gym membership or ANY equipment to do the movements in this workout. This workout should get your heart rate up and build strength.

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Lexie GrayComment
3 Ways Stress Affects Your Health & 3 Strategies To Help

Think about some of the areas of your life that can be stress-inducing. Lack of sleep, nutrient deficient diet, lack of movement, over exercising, work responsibilities, family crisis, household tasks, parenting, lack of connection, etc. That is a lot for your body to handle! Now let’s see the ways that this stress may be impacting your health. And all three of these effects are inextricably connected to one another.

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Lexie GrayComment
Paleo Zucchini and Meatballs

Want your Lady and the Tramp moment with your sweetie this Valentine’s Day, but you can’t because you’re GF? Not so! With some zucchini, a spiralizer, and about ten minutes, you too can have your magical Disney moment.

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Lexie Gray
Don't Tell Me I Look Good

My appearance is the least interesting thing about me. Not to brag or anything, but I’m pretty cool most of the time. Not like ACTUALLY cool, more like New Girl cool. (If you don’t watch it, get on Netflix and start immediately.) The things that I’m most proud of myself for have nothing to do with what I look like. Things like being a Christ follower, a loving wife, a caring teacher, and a hard working business owner.

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Lexie Gray Comments
10 Ingredients You Don't Want in your Skincare

“All Natural” is all the rage right now. But what if I told you that even products using this phrase may contain harmful ingredients? Sadly, there are WAY more than 10 ingredients you don’t want in your skincare, makeup, and other personal care products. But these are just the top 10 ingredients that may cause the most harm.

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Lexie GrayComment
The Easiest GF French Toast Ever

I don’t eat bread often, but when I do, it’s usually french toast. The best part is, this takes about ten minutes start to finish. Possibly even including the time it takes me to shove it in my face. Just kidding, that’s terrible nutritionist behavior. I always eat super slowly and chew everything 30 times before swallowing. NOT. So here’s the goods.

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Lexie Gray Comments
5 Tips for Crushing your New Year's Resolution

There are typically two types of people this time of year. You either feel terrible about how “bad” you’ve been over the holidays, or you’re just super excited for the year to come. Whichever one you are, if you’ve got your resolution, goal, or word for 2019, buckle up. Because it’s actually NOT about the resolution. Let me explain why with 5 tips that’ll help you reframe your goals with a healthy mindset.

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Lexie GrayComment
The "Worst Food" For You

Something I get asked a lot is, “What is the worst food for me?” And relax, I’m not going to say pizza. Please know that every time I say “worst food”, I’m using air quotes. Because I don’t believe that food has morality. There is nothing good or bad about food. However, there are foods that can either move us closer to our goals or farther away from them.

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Lexie GrayComment
Independence [from a fire wife's perspective]

In some ways I’ve always been independent. As a child, I was “strong-willed”, or whatever the PC term is for a pain in the you know what. As a teen, my parents (sometimes) saw this as a positive since they knew I wasn’t going to be peer pressured into doing things I didn’t want to do. As an adult, I find this to be a strength of mine, especially at work. But in other ways, I’ve been completely reliant on others.

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Lexie Gray Comment
Purple Sweet Potato Casserole

WARNING: Consuming these sweet potatoes may cause decreased enjoyment of yams for all eternity.

Oh, and did I mention how incredibly easy this dish is to make? And that it’s a GORGEOUS side dish to bring to your holiday dinner. So here’s the scoop.

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Lexie GrayComment
So You Want a Balanced Life?

When someone says, “I really wish I could have more balance in my life”, what they actually mean is, “I really wish I could do all of the things really well all of the time”. Because in our culture, we are expected to do a laundry list of items that no single person could possibly complete, without losing their mind, that is. ESPECIALLY for women.

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Lexie GrayComment
3 Equipment Free Workouts in 20 Minutes or Less

So you want you work out. Kind of. Maybe you just feel like you SHOULD work out. Well that is really another topic for another day. But that’s not what today is about. Today is about giving you three quick and equipment free ideas for when you WANT to work out. If you truly want to move your body, but don’t have a gym, equipment, or TIME, worry not! You don’t need anything but yourself to get some endorphins flowing.

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Lexie Gray Comment
Paleo Pumpkin Spice Chai Latte

Are you a pumpkin LOVER or HATER? It seems that another war may break out over the matter. But I have a feeling the lovers would win. And honestly, this latte may convert the haters like me. I used to be a hater. USED to be… And honestly, if you don’t love eating or drinking fall/winter flavors this time of year, you may need to check to see if you have a soul.

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Lexie Gray Comment
Is Your Birth Control Controlling You?

Have you ever been told by your doctor that what you’re experiencing is “normal”? Your digestive distress, mood swings, fatigue, lack of periods, or low libido are all considered normal. But just because something is COMMON, does that make it NORMAL? I’d like to share with you five ways that hormonal birth control may be affecting you. It might be controlling parts of your life that you’re unaware of. No, it’s not normal. And yes, there are other options.

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