The Easiest GF French Toast Ever

I don’t eat bread often, but when I do, it’s usually french toast.

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The best part is, this takes about ten minutes start to finish. Possibly even including the time it takes me to shove it in my face. Just kidding, that’s terrible nutritionist behavior. I always eat super slowly and chew everything 30 times before swallowing. NOT.

So here’s the goods.


  • 3 pieces gluten free bread

  • 2 eggs

  • Splash of coconut milk


  • Maple syrup and gluten free granola for toppings


  1. Add all the butter to a pan on medium heat.

  2. Put eggs and coconut milk into a wide bottom bowl (so you can dip bread) and whisk.

  3. Dip bread into egg mixture, covering all surfaces and letting it soak in for a few seconds.

  4. Add bread to pan and let sit for 2-3 minutes and flip. Could be longer depending on how brown you like your french toast.

  5. When your bread is your desired color/texture, add maple syrup, gluten free granola, and more butter obvs. And any other toppings you want are welcome, too.

Soooo yeah, that’s it! Easy peasy and delish! Let me know how you like it!

What toppings are a must have on your french toast?

Lexie Gray2 Comments