3 Equipment Free Workouts in 20 Minutes or Less

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

So you want you work out. Kind of. Maybe you just feel like you SHOULD work out.

Well that is really another topic for another day, because trust me, I will rant about the word “should” in a separate post.

But that’s not what today is about. Today is about giving you three quick and equipment free ideas for when you WANT to work out. Please don’t force yourself if you’re not feeling it. And definitely DO NOT “punish” yourself for eating “badly” around the holidays.

None of that here.

However, if you truly want to move your body, but don’t have a gym, equipment, or TIME, worry not! You don’t need anything but yourself to get some endorphins flowing.

Here are a a few of my go-tos:

*If you’re unsure about how to do a movement, PLEASE watch the videos so that you don’t injure yourself :)

1. 20 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible in 20 minutes)

P.S. Nobody looks this happy or flawless doing sit ups.

P.S. Nobody looks this happy or flawless doing sit ups.

2. 100 of each:

3. 50-40-30-20-10 (50 of each, 40 of each, etc.)

These three workouts kick my butt every time! But I only choose to do them if I’m in a good place both physically and mentally to push my body. If you do try one of these workouts, let me know how it goes!

Happy exercising!

Lexie Gray1 Comment