More Than Core Workout
Ello dear!
When you google “core workout” you’ll find titles such as “IRONCLAD ABS” and “Tighten and Tone!” and “Total Ab Blast”. If that’s what you’re looking for, please go to the Googles.
Today I’m sharing a workout that doesn’t just isolate your abs, because your core is so much more than that! It includes your shoulders, scapula, abdominals, obliques, erectors, glutes, hip flexors, adductors and more! I hate to break it to you, but
isolating the abs will not give you a strong core.
Add these movements to the end of your regular workout routine 3 times a week to help strengthen your WHOLE core, not just your abs.
4 rounds of:
8 birddogs (each side)
8 shoulder taps (each side)
30 second plank
After a few weeks of this, start to increase reps or difficulty so you can continue to build more strength.
I think you’ll find your core is much stronger when you work on ALL the muscles of the core, instead of trying to get IRONCLAD ABS.
Let me know how it goes!