Working out in the First Trimester

If you’re in the first trimester or even just a season of life where you need to slow down, this is for you!

If you know me at all, I’m a pretty big meathead. I LOVE lifting heavy, maxing out, & getting stronger. (But don’t put me down for cardio.)

Getting sick in the first trimester realllllly made me slow my roll. I didn’t want to, but literally had no choice. And if you’re pregnant or just need to chill the heck out, here’s a little sneak peek into how I changed my perspective on working out for the past few months.

What DIDN’T change about my workouts?

-movements chosen

What DID change? Everything else lol


I was no longer thinking about hitting new PRs or getting stronger. I was focusing on HOW I was doing the movements. I was intentional with my breathing, core engagement, & pelvic floor contraction/relaxation.

Not pictured here? Lots of rest between movements!

The moral of the story is: listen to your body! Stay moving however you can, but don’t be married to how it “should” look.

Just showing up was a win when I was in the thick of the nausea, but I’m so glad I continued to move. Even when REALLY didn’t want to. That doesn’t mean you ignore your body’s cues and work out no matter what, but pay attention to how you feel after moving.

For me, it was a welcome distraction and I always felt a little bit better afterwards. So it was totally worth fighting the urge not to do anything in the moment because it always paid off.

Sending you lots of love wherever you’re at, friend. Feel free to reach out if you need some encouragement or just want to connect with another mama going through it.

P.S. We’re working on creating workout programs for you right now! Join the preconception/pregnancy program waitlist here for more info coming soon!

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