3 Ways to Get Motivated Today
What do you think is the biggest obstacle in sticking with your habits?
In my experience working with all different types of women, I would say it’s usually
Whenever I ask my community what they need help with, motivation almost always comes up. This is totally normal and completely understandable. With how much we all have going on in our lives, there’s just not enough motivation, time, or energy to do it all!
So today I have 3 tips for you on how to get motivated, no matter what your goal is.
Start SUPER small. When you’re successful with the little things, you build confidence in yourself. Success is motivating, no matter the scale. As you continue to grow in confidence, you can continue to make small changes that will eventually add up to LIFE CHANGE!
Want to run a marathon? Start by walking around the block.
Want to write a book? Start by writing a blog.
Start smaller than you want to so you CAN’T fail.
Find like-minded people. This CAN NOT be overstated. Remember the saying, “Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future”? Who you surround yourself with (in real life or virtually) is influencing you every single day, whether you realize it or not.
Elite athletes aren’t usually friends with couch potatoes.
Health conscious folks aren’t usually friends with smokers.
Dog people aren’t usually friends with cat people (just kidding!)
I’m not saying any of those people are good or bad, they just don’t typically hang out together because they have different values. Surrounding yourself with those who align with your values & identity is an easy way to fast track your success.
Get some skin in the game! Whether it’s money, time, or energy, you’re WAY more likely to follow through with something when you’ve actually invested in it. Think about it:
If you read a blog post about meal prepping, that costs $0 and about 5 minutes of your time. Are you ACTUALLY going to meal prep? Maybe.
If you buy a subscription to a meal planning service. The chances that you follow through are pretty darn high because you don’t want to waste your investment.
There is very little that I love more than seeing more than other women succeed. It’s not something I do for them. I just help them get started using the 3 steps above to get MOTIVATED! They do the rest. Like this inspiring teacher & mama, Courtney!
“Sunday marks one year since I started Fit from Home. I want to say THANK YOU for creating it and helping me get strong! I feel great and I am proud of all I have accomplished in the last 18 months. I couldn't have done it without YOU! I only missed one day in a year - Christmas Day... who wants to exercise then?”
I just want to help give you the motivation, plan, and confidence you need to succeed right where you are.
You don’t need to have any experience before starting.
You don’t need to lose weight first.
You don’t even need to pay the big bucks!
All you need is to start small, find like-minded people, and get some skin in the game.
And lucky for you, friend, I have just the thing for that.
If you’re like me, you need an efficient, affordable solution that doesn’t waste your time or money. Which is why I created a program that has all the things I WISH I HAD when I was struggling with my health goals.
You’ve probably been hearing me blab about this for the last few weeks. But I #cantstopwontstop because I BELIEVE in the power of this simple, stress-free program. And I now have TWO options for you to choose from.
1. 90 Day Fit from Home Workout Program
Here’s a sample workout from my programs!
One time purchase, get an instant download of the program!
3x a week equipment-free strength workouts you can do at home with videos of movements + active recovery days
Access to my private FB community for encouragement & inspiration
Access to live group coaching calls with me to get individualized help
Normally $90, it’s 30% off for a limited time! Get it HERE (no code needed)
2. Fit from Home monthly membership
All the above PLUS:
Meal plans with grocery lists to make your life easy
Worksheets, checklists, & trackers to keep you engaged & motivated
Health assessments WITH an analysis to help you see results faster
All new content every month, and right now you can lock in your price of $29/month FO LIFE! (Month-to-month, cancel anytime)
Check it out HERE and use code 10OFF
But hurry because these special promotions are ending in...
If you’ve been doing my free challenges but haven’t put any skin in the game yet, I challenge you to ask yourself why? What’s holding you back from investing in yourself and joining a group of women like Courtney who have changed their habits and lifestyle a little bit at a time?
I’m serving you some tough love because I KNOW what this program is capable of doing for you. And I want you to experience it for yourself. If you’re not ready yet, that’s totally fine! I’m here for you whether you join or not, and I truly want to get to know you.
So tell me: what motivates you? Your family, seeing results, feeling confident, accountability, etc? Let’s figure out how to get you motivated to crush your goals this year.