A Letter to My Teacher Friends
Dear Teachers,
I don’t know exactly why I’m writing this yet. I just know that I have a lot of things to say to you and think others might benefit from reading, too.
The best teammates on the planet. Miss you dearly!
You see, I’m also a teacher. I taught brick and mortar for 4 years in two different schools and grades. And let me tell you it was hard on me. I loved my students, team, and administrators, but boy did it take a toll on me, both mentally and physically.
So when I moved to Colorado, I got a job teaching second graders online (crazy, right?!) and it was everything I needed. There is a lot that I miss about brick and mortar, but I’m a much better person now that I have the mental space that I do.
All this to say, I’ve had a few different teaching experiences. And NOTHING can compare to what you are experiencing right now. My heart hurts for you because I can only imagine what you’re going through right now. The uncertainty of it all must be so heavy.
Like not being able to fall asleep because you’re worried about your kiddos not getting dinner.
Or the thought of when you do reunite with your class and they all look a bit older.
The idea of having to benchmark your kids after all that’s happened, and the powers that be still expecting your students to make one year’s growth.
Thinking of that one sweetie that FINALLY learned all their letter sounds, and might come back without knowing them all.
Not to mention, you’re now expected to teach them from across a computer screen without any training, tools, or time to plan. And most of your kids probably don’t even own a computer.
I just want you to know that I see you. I can’t possibly understand. But I see you. And I don’t really know what to say, because nothing can change this. And we’re allowed to feel sad, mad, or however we want to.
Some silver lining is the recent recognition of how incredible teachers are. When parents started homeschooling, the hilarious memes and quotes rolled in. I love the fact that teachers are being shown this respect for the first time in a long time. I also know for a fact you don’t care about being recognized for your creativity and ingenious quick thinking. You’re just heartbroken over not being able to love on your kiddos.
But what I will say is that I hope this newfound respect isn’t soon forgotten. I hope that once school resumes, parents (among others) remember how vital you are to their kids and society at large. Let’s not forget how underappreciated, underpaid, and undervalued teachers are once they’re back in the classroom. That’s when they’ll need us the most. Send them an extra pack of pencils. Volunteer to laminate & cut once a month. Just do something.
Before social distancing was a thing.
And one other thing to ponder… parents, you now know homeschooling isn’t easy, especially when you’re trying to work from home. Imagine the teacher moms who are expected to be educating their students AND their own children now!
There is absolutely something you can do for a teacher you know. Reach out and ask them, because they will most likely never let you know they need help.
Like I said before, I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I just know that all of this chaos has awakened me to the fact that I need to do SOMETHING to support teachers’ physical and mental health.
I’ve seen A LOT of teachers asking for help with working out at home, and that’s one small way I can help.
If you’re a teacher, I’m giving you Fit from Home for FREE.
Just send me a message or email me at lexie@wellfromwithin.co and I’ll send you the discount code.
Teacher friend, I’m here for you. This is me reaching out, so take the help if you need it! If there is ANYTHING I can offer you (online educational resources , a free nutrition consult, a free meal plan, etc) I hope you’ll ask. I would love nothing more than to support you however you need.
Summer is coming, so take a deep breath, and remind yourself of your why. Your kiddos need you more than ever.
Sending ALL the love,
An online teacher