Burpee KB Ladder Workout

What’s a ladder workout? You’re gonna learn today!

It’s when you do one or more exercises in an ascending/descending pattern. This lovely ladder has both. At the same time.

Get ready to math.

The two movements you have the pleasure of doing today?

  1. Burpees (and the crowd goes wild!)

  2. Kettlebell swings

    *Don’t have a kettlebell? Do squat jumps instead.

So here’s the pattern. Burpees descending by 2 and KB swings ascending by 2 each time, starting and ending with 20 reps. Like this:

20 burpees

2 KB swings

18 burpees

Kettlebell swing.jpg

4 KB swings

16 burpees

6 KB swings

14 burpees

8 KB swings

12 burpees

10 KB swings

10 burpees

12 KB swings

8 burpees

14 KB swings

6 burpees

16 KB swings

4 burpees

18 KB swings

2 burpees

20 KB swings

Confused? Excellent.

Just wait till you’re trying to breathe AND keep track of what round you’re on!

Just kidding, write it somewhere and check it off as you go. That way you won’t do any extra rounds (and get a second to rest while you check it off).

This should have you breathing REAL hard by the end, but I promise it’ll all be over soon. And remember, you can always modify to fit your needs, so don’t push yourself to finish if you don’t feel comfortable.

Enjoy and let me know how it goes!

Lexie GrayComment